Monday, April 03, 2006

ohh gosh! i'm guilty..

i'm so god-damn guilty today! we went to NYP as usual to attend some extra lessons before taking our exams tomorrow. a quiz that is from Austrailla i think. the first lecturer was a bit crappy so we didn't reallly pay attention but after a toilet break, the class was much better. we listened to the next lecturer, the third lecturer and the last lecturer. i felt guilty because i said something and the lecturer heard me. obviously it's something bad. LOLS. gary, jiaxuan, jianhui, samuel, dicksonlee, gangyi and I were sitted infront. the nearest to the lecturers that is. then there's this third lecturer who liked to say: "hor" almost everytime she end a sentence then before she speak, i whisper to gangyi about her hor habit. well, i guess it wasn't really a whisper because jianhui and samuel heard me. if i'm not wrong, the lecturer heard it too. then it was like so embarrassing. she sort of tried to control but then failed.. we were giggling when she said hor and i was like so guilty! urg~ it's all my fault! sobs. i'm so bad!

ohh yeah~ i've got my upcoming mid-year exams time-table. ohh my goodness! our English paper starts in 25 more days time! can you believe it? i doubt i can cope. urg~
oops.~ there are so many maths questions i haven't do~ gotta run! buh bye!

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