Saturday, March 25, 2006

qing di a.k.a rival~!!

y0. here to blog again! wahahas.

nothing much really happen today. hmm. woke up early today because i was going to have my first tuition for secondary school~! ohh gosh~ she sucks. hahas. woke early to move my table to one side so that there will be enough space for two students and one tutor. then ivy came over to my house at about 1025. when she step into my house, i thought she was the teacher! hahas. wore so nice. then the tutor came late! reached my house at 10++ before 1100. at first, i thought she was not bad but didn't expect her to be so inexperience. i bet we're her first student. ohh yeah~ she's a student in NUS, studying art. can believe it? study art still come teach A.maths. haiyoh! still dare to bring 1996 PURE maths the text book. hahas. then after she left, my mother called the agency and we lodge a complain! hehes. after tuition, i went for check up. my face de check up. what a waste of money you should say. hahas.

my father so petty. can't believe men can be so incorrigible! tsk~ just because he wanna watch television, he refuse to go for check up. sighs i wonder whether his body is more important or is the television his life. he also quarrelled with my mum over watching television. but i have to admit, he really acts like a kid sometimes. he don't even let me watch what i wanna watch! still say it's a stupid show. sighs. as if what he watch are not stupid! urg! don't talk about it. can't take him at times.

i watched ''rival'' <=> "qing di".. finally! hahas. wanted to watch it when it was being showed during a commercial but kept forgetting. luckily i only missed one two series! sighs. although it's only two series that i missed, i don't get what the show is talking about! urg~ temporary, the people i asked about having the series show doesn't own one! urg~ if i'm lucky, i'll be able to find it in ''POH KIM" tomorrow on the way to plaza sing~ *cross fingers* hope luck lady is with me! i wanna watch that show! just hope that it won't cost me more than 40 bucks if not, my mother won't allow me to buy. sobs.

such a long post today! hahas. scare later gary start telling me in school that my post is long~

end here le~
gees. tata~

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