Friday, March 31, 2006

i've been SACKED!

sad~ i've been sacked! hahas. not really larhs. but a been disappointed.. one form of extra allowance is gone.. hais. maybe because i'm not a good tutor bahs. *hur hur*.. come to think of it, although i have lost one form of extra allowance, i have gain back my freedom.. guess that's more important to me than money bahs. have been cropped up by him since the day i took him in.. yea~ my friday outing is back! woohoo. now it's the time to save more money! what's more, i didn't feel sad. i felt rather relieved! wahahas.
today's rehersal for speech day was fine. hmms. but my outfit sucks.. my skirt is like too long then have to fold like siao.. in the end look so weird.. sians. i prefer today's rehersal.. it's like so close. but i think the 'hey' part can still be improved! hahas.

kkae larhs. end here le. if not people say my post long.. sobs.. hehes.

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