Wednesday, March 29, 2006


just edited my blog, added some new features. can you spot them? anyway, today is boring.. hmms. everyday is boring. today repeat the same routine.
woke up, got ready, take bus to school, chat with friends at chaihuat's spot, went to do duty, had lessons, go for SRP, attend CCA and lastly HOME!
sighs. life is getting more and more boring. anyway, had computer class test today. it sucks. i think i can pass but i doubt i will score well. i didn't study lorhs. sighs. ohh yeah~ while i was doing my paper, mdm yeo kept giving me a curious look. as if she's asking what was i doing. LOL. because of stupid darius! sitting right infront of me making the panda eyes! urg~ can't take he and his good friends lame-ness.
after SRP went to attend infocomm. sian. jiaxuan didn't go so only left me! sobs. she larhs! went to cyber cafe~ got excused for the whole CCA. she can leave at 1600 but she insisted to pon. infocomm and i was almost persuaded into doing the same. today in infocomm, we were taught how to use dreamweaver by this new trainer. those students. sighs. didn't pay attention at all. but at least i didn't have to suffer with them. hahas. it was quite a torture sitting there listening to the teacher talking to herself. gosh~ now, i'm kindda fed-up with infocomm's teacher-in-charge. they are making me feel so confused! sighs.

sians. if i didn't have infocomm, maybe my afternoon would be interesting. should have went our with gary they all to buy white long sleeve or yufang to god-knows where. LOL. anyway, today in SRP was quite fun. we watched this movie: "the last emperor". it was interesting but some scenes should be censored. LOL. it was still interesting though.

hmms. gotta run~ gees.

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