Thursday, March 03, 2005


Wahh`` Today ishh the Edmond's birthday... hahaxXx... Didn't give him anything.. Just shake his hands... HahaxXx... Common test over loww... so happy...Now have to get ready for an audition.. Must practice hard.. Because need to go through it although just less then a week notice... Haiz... It is for a Music camp one... Sian... If never go in Raymond don't want to talk to me and so on.. So pressured... Must Jia You...But, I very angry also... Our principle wanted to celebrate the results most students get for 'O' levels then get one hour early off... Unlucky!!! On my Audition that day let early... Haiz... If not still got one day can go home one hour early one loh... Now feeling very nervous... not excited at all... Haiz...Tuesday mii Birthday, Wednesday Chelsie and Celina's birthday then today Edmond's one... hahaxXx... Haiz... Sian I wana go do mii de things le...+*=Dots=*+ Jasmine

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